You're wrong about many things, Mike, but they're usually things like whether a yellow should have been shown, or how long to carry Landon Donovan on the USMNT. But in this case, you're not wrong. We do our best work when we're together - and the key word in that is "our". Sure, an individual might produce more in isolation but our best work takes collaboration. When an individual is working remotely being uber-productive, what's the effect on the rest of the team who may be less productive on the whole with members in absentia? At the heart of what we do, we're problem solvers. We identify challenges and we determine solutions and in both cases the best of those happen in an unstructured, fluid discourse that simply cannot be replicated over Teams meetings. That fact will be undeniable in a matter of time, if it isn't to most already.

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You nailed it. Spot on as usual, Mike.

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You nailed it. Spot on Mike.

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